Wednesday, September 2, 2009

SSMP Family Day 2009

UMS ODEC: 1st of August 2009, SSMP had held a family day at UMS ODEC for the new intake students. This family day is held in order to help the new intakes student to get to know their seniors, which is also a good chance for them to get the seniors contact number to bug them for notes during their studies later on.

The participants arrived at around 1.30pm to find themselves queuing up at the registration counter to be separated into different groups.

**Participants patiently queueing up for registeration**

**Thats a big group of students!**

After registration, the family day was officially opened by Dr. Yasmin Ooi. The event then proceeded with the group name and cheers creation time where the participants are required to do the cheers in front of our beloved lecturers to be rated upon. After that, it was a game of ice breaking session where everyone is required to further mix around to form groups required by the committee according to the colour of their name tags.

**Ice Breaking Games**

With the ice breaking session over, the family day then continued with amazing race where groups are required to go to assigned checkpoints and to compete against each other.

**some game of scissors paper stone (Look at Shian's posture)**

**Blindfolded 3-legged walk with extra challenges**

**The tortourous hand-walking course**

**Attempting the stunt of blowing the rubber band out from a mountain of flour**

**Getting soaked in sea water while trying to wet the sponge**

After the amazing race ended, the participants went on to take their food which were prepared by the committee for tea time. The day proceeded with a game of tug-o-war during the evening as the sun sets (Due to horrible picture quality, the picture is not added). The night is then followed by a nice campfire, dances and barbeque dinner for everyone to enjoy.

**Campfire - Before**

**Lighting the campfire (anticipated)**

**Debbie and the remains of the campfire**

The evening ended with the prize giving ceremony by Datin Rugayah. Although the day had some problems and some injuries, our interviewees (the participants of course) admit that the family day was fun and they had enjoyed their time. We hope to see that our future family day will be even more improved.

Ahhh... and last but not least, ALL CHEERS to the committee that made this event possible! =)

PS: Want original photos? Contact me to get it. =)

Reported by: Chan Kaang Cheing (contact: 017-2xxxxxx)

**or spot me at random DKPs**

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