Monday, October 6, 2008

Food Technology Updates: Crude palm oil may lower blood fat levels

A diet rich in crude palm oil, a trans-free product often procured in Malaysia and Indonesia, may reduce blood levels of triacylglycerol, Brazilian researchers report.

The researchers are Ana Marice Ladeia, E. Costa-Matos, R. Barata-Passos and A. Costa Guimaraes.
In crude palm oil, the palmitic acid is attached to the glycerol molecule in the alpha position instead of the beta-position. Fat with palmitic acid attached to the beta-position is found in butter, which is known cholesterol-raising activity.

Individuals consumed 10 millilitres of previously boiled crude palm oil after lunch or dinner once a day for two weeks.

At the end of the study, the researchers report that all lipid fractions decreased. There is a mild, statistically significant 11.5 percent decrease in concentrations of vLDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol.

This study offered an opportunity to observe the influence of the daily consumption of boiled crude palm oil on the lipid profile of young and healthy non-dyslipidemic subjects," wrote lead author Ana Marice Ladeia.

The researchers noted gender-specific effects, with men showing a mildly significant rise in LDL-cholesterol levels (18 percent), while females showed a mildly significant drop in all blood lipid levels, except for HDL-cholesterol.

The mechanism for the lipid-lowering effects of the crude palm oil may depend on multiple factors, said the researchers, including the attachment of plamitic acid to glycerol.

They also added that crude palm oil is a very rich source of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and tocotrienols, which are previously reported to have cholesterol-lowering effects.


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