Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Food Development History

History of cheese
-In 6000BC cheese was made from cow’s and goat’s milk and stored in tall jars.
-Cheese making evolved from 2 main streams.
  1. Liquid fermented milks such as yoghurt, koumiss and kefir.
  2. Allowing the milk to acidify to form curds and whey where whey could then be drained either through perforated earthenware bowls or through woven reed baskets or similar material.

-Most authorities consider that cheese was 1st made in the Middle East where the earliest type was a form of sour milk.

History of coffee
-It was a shepherd, called Kaldi, who discovered the use of the coffee bean about four centuries ago, in a region of Abyssinia (Ethiopia).
-Coffee as a crop was wide spread through Arabia and North Africa, the resulting crop was distributed through the Red Sea port of "Al Makha" or Mocha.
-It's popularity was perhaps due to the fact that alcoholic drinks are forbidden by Islamic law. Therefore, Muslims found coffee’s energizing properties to be an acceptable substitute.
-In 1650, the first coffeehouse opened its doors in Oxford, England, owned by a Turkish Jew named Jacob. In France, the first coffeehouse opened in 1672. By 1843, there were thousands of coffeehouses throughout Europe and the American colonies.

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