Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How to apply for the usage of SSMP’s laboratories?

For SSMP students:

  1. Obtain 2 copies of the “Borang Pemohonan Penggunaan Makmal Selepas Waktu Pejabat” in the “G4”drawer of the dark brown cabinets located in the SSMP office, opposite SSMP’s Science Officer (Pegawai Sains), Mr. Yusuf Laupe’s office..
  2. Complete the form including the signatures of the particular lab assistant in the column “Ulasan Pembantu Makmal”, as well as the programme’s lecturer or supervisor in the column “Perakuan Penyelia”. Both copies have to be signed by Mr. Yusuf Laupe.
  3. Hand in one copy to the lab assistant in charge, and the other copy is kept as reference by the students using the lab.
  4. Students have to sign in and sign out in the log book before and after using the particular lab.

For Non SSMP students:

  1. Type a formal letter entitled “Memohon Penggunaan Makmal Selepas Waktu Pejabat”, including the signature of the lecturer or supervisor in charged, Hand it to Mr. Yusuf Laupe in SSMP’s main office.
  2. The letter must gain Mr. Yusuf Laupe’s approval.

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