Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Gerai Gaya Hidup Sihat

Date: 16, 23.30 March 2008
Venue: Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu

Gerai Gaya Hidup Sihat is an annual project organised by SSMP as a part of community nutrition, to educate the public about BMI as well as the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Supervised by Dr. Yasmin Ooi Beng Houi, this event was carried out on three consecutive Sundays from 8am till 12 noon, in the middle of busy Gaya Street, which is the famed Sunday morning market in KK city centre.

Each week, a group of 8 SSMP students accompanied by the programme director, Mr. Ma Zheng Feei, and assistant director, Ooi Christopher, will set up the stall, or “gerai” in the middle of Gaya Street, near the water fountain. The Body Mass Index (BMI) test is done by measuring the weight and height of the particular person, followed by the calculation of the BMI. Advise will be given to those who are overweight, obese, underweight as well as those who are normal. The passer-bys in Gaya Street who wanted the free BMI test had to step on the weighting machine and height measurement kit provided by SSMP, have their weight and height recorded on a piece of pamphlet and then receive their BMI and appropriate advise from the SSMP students in charged.

The students each had a chance to be involved in the different sections, which include promoting our programme, taking down measurements, calculating the BMIs as well as giving advises. It went on well as there were many who responded and were willing to know more about the importance of having normal BMI. Volunteers include children as young as 5 years old, adolescents, middle aged adults, and senior citizens who are in their 60’s. They were of different races as well as nationalities such as Japan, England, and Canada. The scotching sun did not deter the passer-bys from approaching the stall, neither did it discourage the students from trying their best to give as much advise as possible.

All and all, “Gerai Gaya Hidup Sihat” was a win-win situation where the public were well informed about the importance of having a healthy BMI, and the students of SSMP had the chance to practice what they have learned in the course of their study. It is hoped that this activity can be carried out often to allow more participation from SSMP students.

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